Industry 4.0

Aleksandra Pizurica

Bart Dhoedt

Bernard De Baets

  • Anomaly detection

Bruno Volckaert

  • Scalable IoT data stack with hooks for machine learning
  • Anomaly detection on Industry4.0 data in digital twin

Dieter Claeys

  • Prescriptive maintenance
  • Decision support for spare parts logistics
  • Production scheduling

Dirk Deschrijver

  • Predictive maintenance

Dirk Van den Poel

Erik Mannens

  • Linked Open Data & Sensor Fusion

Filip De Turck

  • Anomaly detection
  • Root cause analysis
  • Complex event processing on streams
  • Real-time services
  • Knowledge-driven services

Francis wyffels

Guillaume Crevecoeur

Jan Verwaeren

  • Anomaly detection

Luc Martens

  • Robust wireless networks
  • Optimal process scheduling

Peter Lambert

  • AR/VR for training and simulation

Peter Veelaert

  • Work cycle analysis
  • Industrial inspection

Pieter Leyman

  • Energy-aware production scheduling
  • Flexible manufacturing systems

Sofie Van Hoecke

  • Predictive maintenance

Stijn Luca

  • Data-driven decision support for quality control
  • Anomaly detection

Tom Dhaene

  • AI-driven engineering

Wilfried Philips

  • Indoor mapping
  • Work cycle analysis