Luc Martens

Luc Martens
tel.: no_phone
research unit: wireless, acoustics, environment & expert systems (WAVES)
Luc Martens is Full Professor at Ghent University in Belgium and principal investigator at imec. Since 1991, he manages the WAVES research group at the Department of Information Technology of imec-Ghent University. His experience and current interests are a.o. in modelling and measurement of smart wireless channels, wireless body area networks, energy consumption and human exposure in wireless networks, wireless networks for industry 4.0 applications and recommender systems for personalization.
Luc Martens is author or co-author of more than 400 peer-reviewed publications. He is well networked with many international researchers from for instance UC Berkeley, ETH Zurich, Télécom ParisTech, ….
Keywords: Personalization, recommender systems, Industry 4.0, wireless communication, wireless localization
- T. De Pessemier, T. Deryckere, K. Vanhecke, and L. Martens, Proposed Architecture and Algorithm for Personalized Advertising on iDTV and Mobile Devices. Published in IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 54(2):709-713, May 2008.
- T. De Pessemier, S. Dooms, and L. Martens, Comparison of group recommendation algorithms. Published in Springer Multimedia Tools and Applications, 72(3):2497-2541, October 2014.
- T. De Pessemier, S. Dooms, and L. Martens, Context-aware recommendations through context and activity recognition in a mobile environment. Published in Springer Multimedia Tools and Applications, 72(3):2925-2948, October 2014.
- T. De Pessemier, C. Courtois, K. Vanhecke, K. Van Damme, L. Martens, and L. De Marez, A User-Centric Evaluation of Context-aware Recommendations for a Mobile News Service. Published in Springer Multimedia Tools and Applications, 75(6): 3323-3351, March 2016.
- X. Gong, M. Van der Wee, T. De Pessemier, S. Verbrugge, D. Colle, L. Martens, W. Joseph, Integrating labor awareness to energy-efficient production scheduling under real-time electricity pricing: an empirical study. Published in Elsevier Journal of Cleaner Production, 168(1):239-253, December 2017.