Dieter Claeys

Dieter Claeys
tel.: +32 9 264 55 03
research unit: Industrial Systems Engineering (ISyE)
Dieter Claeys is associate professor at the department of Industrial Systems Engineering at Ghent University, faculty of Engineering and Architecture. As a member of the Industrial Systems Engineering (ISyE) research group within that department, he is also active in Flanders Make, which is a strategic research center that supports the Flemish Make industry. He also is the UGent board member in the beta research school for operations management and logistics. Previously, he was a research assistant and FWO postdoctoral research assistant at the department of Telecommunications and Information processing at Ghent University. In 2013, he was a visiting researcher at Eurandom, Technical university Eindhoven. His research is focused on the performance analysis and control of manufacturing systems with particular attention to uncertainties that occur in these systems.
Keywords: Stochastic modelling, optimization, simulation, reinforcement learning
- N. Al Khoury, D. Fiems, E-H. Aghezzaf, D. Claeys (2024). The proactive base stock policy for condition based maintenance. Computers & Industrial Engineering 190.
- Mencaroni, D. Claeys, S. De Vuyst (2023). A novel hybrid assembly method to reduce operational costs of selective assembly. International Journal of Production Economics 264, 108966.
- P. Dendauw, T. Goeman, D. Claeys, K. De Turck, D. Fiems, H. Bruneel (2021). Condition-based critical level policy for spare parts inventory management. Computers & Industrial Engineering 157, 107369.
- D. Claeys, I. Adan, O. Boxma (2016). Stochastic Bounds for Order Flow Times in Parts-to-picker Warehouses with Remotely Located Order-picking Workstations. European Journal of Operational Research 254(3): 895-906.
- D. Claeys, J. Walraevens, K. Laevens, H. Bruneel (2010). A Queueing Model for General Group Screening Policies and Dynamic Item Arrivals. European Journal of Operational Research 207(2): 827-835.