Probabilistic modelling, statistics and uncertainty

Aleksandra Pizurica

Antoon Bronselaer

  • Possibility Theory

Bernard De Baets

  • Dependence modelling and copulas
  • Possibility theory
  • Stochastic modelling

Christophe Ley

Dieter Claeys

  • Stochastic modelling
  • Optimization
  • Simulation
  • Reinforcement learning

Dries Benoit

  • Bayesian statistics
  • Graphical models
  • Gaussian processes

Guy De Tré

  • Possibility Theory

Jan Fostier

Jan Verwaeren

Nilesh Madhu

Peter Lambert

  • Multimedia Signal Processing/Modelling

Stijn Luca

Tijl De Bie

  • Exponential family models
  • Graphical models
  • Maximum entropy models

Tom Dhaene

  • Gaussian Processes
  • Bayesian optimization

Willem Waegeman

  • Uncertainty of model predictions
  • Statistical decision theory