Wout Joseph

Wout Joseph
tel.: +32 9 331 49 18
research unit: wireless, acoustics, environment & expert systems (WAVES)
Wout Joseph was born in Ostend, Belgium on October 21, 1977. He obtained the Ph. D. degree in March 2005. Since April 2005, he was postdoctoral researcher for iMinds-UGent/INTEC until 2009. From October 2007 to October 2013, he was a Post-Doctoral Fellow of the FWO-V (Research Foundation – Flanders). Since October 2009, he is professor in the domain of Experimental Characterization of wireless communication systems. He is IMEC PI since 2017. His professional interests are electromagnetic field exposure assessment, in-body electromagnetic field modelling, electromagnetic medical applications, propagation for wireless communication systems, IoT, antennas and calibration. Furthermore, he specializes in wireless performance analysis, industry 4.0, wireless localization and Quality of Experience.
His research is ranked first in number of dosimetric peer-reviewed studies for the radiofrequency range, he has over 500 publications.
Keywords: Industry 4.0, Massive localization, neuro-brain modelling
- X. Gong, Y.G. Liu, N. Lohse, T. De Pessemier, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Integrated Energy-Cost-Efficient and Labor-Aware Production Scheduling: A Memetic Algorithm for Multi-Objective Optimization”, IEEE Trans. Industrial Informatics, 2018 (IF: 6.837, Rank: 2/60, Q1)
- Xu Gong; Toon De Pessemier, PhD; Luc Martens, Wout Joseph, “Energy- and labor-aware flexible job shop scheduling under dynamic electricity pricing: A many-objective optimization investigation for consideration”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, accepted
- X. Gong, J. Trogh, Q. Braet, E. Tanghe, P. Singh, D. Plets, D. Deschrijver, J. Hoebeke, T. Dhaene, L. Martens, and W. Joseph, “A Measurement-Based Wireless Network Planning, Monitoring, and Reconfiguration Solution for Robust Radio Communications in Indoor Factories”, IET Science, Measurement & Technology 2015.
- X. Gong, M. Van der Wee, T. De Pessemier, S. Verbrugge, D. Colle, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Integrating labor awareness to energy-efficient production scheduling under real-time electricity pricing: an empirical study”. Published in Elsevier Journal of Cleaner Production, 168(1):239-253, December 2017.
- X. Gong, T. Depessemier, D. Plets, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “An efficient genetic algorithm for large-scale planning of robust industrial wireless networks”, Expert Systems With Applications, accepted 2017