Kevin Van Geem

Kevin Van Geem
tel.: +32 9 264 55 97
research unit: Laboratory for Chemical Technology (LCT)
Kevin Van Geem is full professor in the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture at Ghent University (UGent). He is director of the Center of Sustainable Chemistry and director of the board of the Laboratory for Chemical Technology of Ghent University. Thermochemical reaction engineering in general and in particular the transition from fossil to alternative resources are his main research interests. He is a former Fulbright Research Scholar of MIT and directs the Pilot plant for steam cracking and pyrolysis. He is the author of more than two hundred scientific publications and has recently started his own spin-off company. He is involved in machine learning & data mining for chemical analysis, product formulation, drug discover, scale-up and process modeling. He applies AI to petrochemical, pharmaceutical and process intensification.
Keywords: Kinetic Modeling and retrosynthese, Property estimation, Process Modeling and design
- Coley CW, Thomas DA, Lummiss JAM, et al. A robotic platform for flow synthesis of organic compounds informed by AI planning. Science. Aug 2019;365(6453):557-+.
- Pyl SP, Van Geem KM, Reyniers MF, Marin GB. Molecular Reconstruction of Complex Hydrocarbon Mixtures: An Application of Principal Component Analysis. Aiche Journal. Dec 2010;56(12):3174-3188.
- Toraman HE, Abrahamsson V, Vanholme R, et al. Application of Py-GC/MS coupled with PARAFAC2 and PLS-DA to study fast pyrolysis of genetically engineered poplars. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. Jan 2018;129:101-111.
- Symoens SH, Aravindakshan SU, Vermeire FH, et al. QUANTIS: Data quality assessment tool by clustering analysis. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics. Nov 2019;51(11):872-885.
- Plehiers P, Coley C, Green W, Marin G, Stevens C, Van Geem K. Machine learning and continuous flow: Detection and correction of flow-incompatible reaction conditions. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society. Aug 2018;256:2.