Chris Cornelis

Chris Cornelis
tel.: +32 9 264 47 72
research unit: Computational Web Intelligence (CWI)
tel.: +32 9 264 47 72
research unit: Computational Web Intelligence (CWI)
Chris Cornelis obtained his M.Sc. and Ph.D. in computer science from Ghent University in 2000 and 2004, respectively. As a postdoctoral fellow, he was a beneficiary of an FWO postdoctoral mandate at UGent, a Ramón y Cajal contract at the University of Granada and an FWO Odysseus type II project at UGent. As of September 2023, he is a full-time professor in fuzziness and uncertainty modelling at the Department of Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics.
Keywords: Machine learning, Fuzzy sets, Rough sets
Key publications
- C Cornelis, G Deschrijver, EE Kerre, “Implication in intuitionistic fuzzy and interval-valued fuzzy set theory: construction, classification, application”, International journal of approximate reasoning 35 (1), 55-95, 2004
- C Cornelis, R Jensen, G Hurtado, D Slezak, “Attribute selection with fuzzy decision reducts”, Information Sciences 180 (2), 209-224, 2010
- R Jensen, C Cornelis, “Fuzzy-rough nearest neighbour classification and prediction”, Theoretical Computer Science 412 (42), 5871-5884, 2011
- E Ramentol, S Vluymans, N Verbiest, Y Caballero, R Bello, C Cornelis, F Herrera, “IFROWANN: imbalanced fuzzy-rough ordered weighted average nearest neighbor classification”, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 23 (5), 1622-1637, 2014
- OU Lenz, D Peralta, C Cornelis, “Scalable approximate FRNN-OWA classification”, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 28 (5), 929-938, 2019