Tony Belpaeme presented at Talking Robotics

Tony Belpaeme opened the 2022 series of Talking Robotics presentations by considering how Human-Robot Interaction might act as a catalyst for AI. Artificial Intelligence has never been more popular, with almost every discipline and industry now either contributing to AI or benefiting from it. But despite the uproar around new developments, the dream of recreating human-like intelligence still seems tormentingly beyond our grasp. AI has focused mostly on data mining, regressing and classifying its way through connected data lakes, but without bringing us closer to the vision that lured many of us into working on robotics and AI. The talk argued that Human-Robot Interaction might be the catalyst that is needed to bring renewed focus to AI’s holy grail and argued that social interaction between machines and people might well be the goal that could galvanise AI research for decades to come.
Read more on the Talking Robotics website.