Call for papers for several workshops in conjunction with the ECML-PKDD conference in September 2021

Several workshops will be organized in conjunction with the ECML-PKDD conference in September 2021.
You can now submit your papers.
- ECML-PKDD Workshop on Automating Data Science (ADS2021)
- International workshop on Fair, Effective And Sustainable Talent management using data science
- 3rd international workshop & tutorial on Graph Embedding and Mining (GEM2021)
- International Workshop on Active Inference
ECML-PKDD Workshop on Automating Data Science (ADS2021)
Progress in data science automation can have important implications for a democratisation of data science and related disciplines such as machine learning and statistics. This is especially critical as the diversity of data and techniques in these areas is accelerating, and data scientists are in urgent need for more powerful tools helping them in the data science process. While there has been significant progress in the core stages of the process, exemplified by the success of AutoML, other areas, such as data understanding, data preparation, and deployment still need fundamental research breakthroughs to really make a significant impact on data science automation overall. The workshop will cover all areas of data science automation, but will especially welcome research that focuses on steps before and after modelling, deals with “messy data”, or extends the AutoML paradigm beyond supervised tasks.
The program will consists of invited talks, a panel discussion, contributed talks and spotlights, and a poster session. As the meeting will be virtual, we will encourage interaction via Q&A after talks, in the panel discussion, and in the poster session. The workshop would be the third in a series, following on from Dagstuhl (2018) and ECML-PKDD (2019).
- Submission deadline: Wed June 23, 2021.
- Acceptance notification: Fri July 23, 2021.
Workshop chairs
- Tijl De Bie UGent, Belgium
- Jose Hernandez-Orallo Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
- Joaquin Vanschoren Eindhoven University of Technology
- Gaël Varoquaux INRIA
- Chris Williams University of Edinburgh
Website ECML-PKDD Workshop on Automating Data Science (ADS2021)
International workshop on Fair, Effective And Sustainable Talent management using data science
The job market of the 21st century poses a set of unique challenges. Automation through AI and other disruptive technologies will result in unprecedented shocks in the job market, with entire job categories disappearing while new types of jobs requiring new skills and competencies will emerge. While such shifts in the job market have happened before, the impact of the ongoing revolution may be larger and will unfold much faster than it did in the previous industrial revolutions. To mitigate the impact of this disruption, large parts of the workforce will need upskilling and retraining in a matter of years, and continuously thereafter.
The FEAST workshop aims to address the challenges of the contemporary job market and human resources management by means of data-driven solutions that better enable all relevant stakeholders to achieve their goals in a fair, effective, and sustainable manner, including the job seekers, employers, HR agencies, HR managers, policy makers and government agencies, training facilities, and more. The challenges for which data science can make a genuine difference are numerous: Workers need better job recommendations and career advice; Employers need better HR and recruitment strategies, with due consideration of ethical constraints; Policy makers need to understand how to regulate the job market to ensure efficiency, fairness, and inclusion; And much more.
- Submission: June 23, 2021.
- Notification: July 23, 2021.
- Camera-ready: August 18, 2021.
- Workshop date: September 13 or 17, 2021.
- Bo Kang Ghent University.
- Mohammad Al Hasan Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis.
- Dieter De Witte Ghent University.
- Hui Xiong Rutgers University.
- Tijl De Bie Ghent University.
More information
Website FEAST workshop
3rd international workshop & tutorial on Graph Embedding and Mining (GEM2021)
We’re organizing the 3rd International workshop & tutorial on Graph Embedding and Mining @ECMLPKDD 2021. The workshop, titled “Graph Embedding and Mining” (GEM), is due to take place on 13 or 17 September.
See here for the call for papers.
Submission deadline: 23 June.
We welcome contributions from academia and industry!
Feel free to share with potentially interested colleagues.
Co-organizers: Bo Kang, Christine Largeron, Jefrey Lijffijt, Tiphaine Viard, Pascal Welke
More information
Website Graph Embedding and Mining (GEM2021)
International Workshop on Active Inference
The 2nd edition of the International Workshop on Active Inference will again take place at ECML/PKDD.
We welcome submissions on active inference, the free energy principle, cognitive robotics, intrinsic motivation, …
Submit your abstracts by June 9th.
- Abstract Submission Deadline: June 9th, 2021
- Paper Submission Deadline: June 23rd, 2021
- Acceptance Notification: July 28th, 2021
- Workshop Date: September 13th or 17th, 2021
- Christopher Buckley, University of Sussex, United Kingdom
- Daniela Cialfi, University of Chieti-Pescara, Italy
- Pablo Lanillos, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Netherlands
- Maxwell Ramstead, McGill University, Canada
- Tim Verbelen, Ghent University - imec, Belgium
More information
Website International Workshop on Active Inference
Photo by Sear Greyson on Unsplash