Opening event Metamedica Platform

This event is the opening event for the new Metamedica Platform.
About Metamedica
Key scientific and digital developments lead to role-changes in healthcare, the proliferation of health-related data and new data protection and research data management frameworks. In view of these evolutions, the Metamedica Platform conducts and facilitates interdisciplinary academic research and provides integrated education in health privacy, health law and biomedical ethics relevant for patients, clinicians, policy makers, lawyers, ethicists, and other stakeholders. Particular topics of interest include predictive genetic research, precision medicine, trustworthy AI, big data, and electronic health records.
Location and time
February 6th, 2020 13:30 PM at Het Pand, zaal “Refter”, Onderbergen 1, Ghent.
Agenda and Registration
You can find the full agenda as well as the registration form on eventManager (Dutch).